Undergraduate Research

These are the research projects that I pursued as independent studies with faculty members during my undergraduate journey at Purdue University.

Space Object Taxonomy

May 2018 - Feburary 2020, Prof. Carolin Frueh, Purdue University

Description: The multi-semester-long research was geared towards identifying patterns in the orbit of Geosynchronous Orbit (GEO) space objects. The patterns enabled in designing a program to autonomously classify new space objects into a taxonomy based on the 8 groups defined in the ESA GEO Classification Report.

Learnings: I learned the fundamentals of Astrodynamics to understand the orbits that the space objects were in. I leveraged TLE data and the SGP4 model to simulate the orbits, and formulated functions to compute orbital elements and longitudinal angles of space objects. I developed an intuition of the orbital characteristics of the GEO objects and insights into the challenges of the space debris problem.

Technologies used: Python, MATLAB, Latex, CelsTrak database

Concept learned: Space Object Characterization, TLE, SGP4

A report detailing part of the work can be found here.

Aerodynamics Deorbit Experiement

January 2019 - May 2019, Prof. David Spencer, Purdue University

Description: A CubeSat was being developed to characterize the use of a deployable drag sail as a passive deorbit mechanism through a multi-university partnership. More information about the project can be found here.

Contribution: I performed orbit modeling of the CubeSat to estimate the deorbit time and ground station contact time using Freeflyer, STK, and MATLAB. I carried out a Monte-Carlo analysis to account for a range of initial Right Ascension of the Ascendinng Node (RAAN) and launch epochs. In addition, the coefficient of drag and solar radiation pressure area were modeled as time-variant for a range of values. Furthermore, I assisted in the development of a function in C to interface flight software with an IMU using Raspberry Pi and Linux.

Learnings: I learned about the intricacies of orbit modeling with multiple variables and the development of a complicated mission. I gained experience with identifying the level of fidelity needed to model the orbit and CubeSat, and how to defend design choices. In addition, I realized on a very high level how the flight software was designed for the mission and how to remotely collaborate with partner universities.

Technologies used: Freeflyer, STK, MATLAB, C, Linux, Raspberry Pi, Command Line Interface

Concepts learned: Orbit Modeling, Monte-Carlo Analysis, Contact Analysis, Technical Communication

A rerport summarizing the mission, and various design analysis and decisions can be found here .

Spacecraft Docking and Simulation

August 2019 - December 2019, Prof. James Goppert, Purdue University

Description: The semester long research was focused on reviewing the literature to realize spacecraft docking and rendezvous techniques, and developing a program to compute fuel optimal trajectory for a chaser spacecraft to intercept with a target spacecraft. The problem was posed as a simplified docking problem, which focused on calculating a trajectory that can enable the intersection of the two spacecrafts in position and velocity states, but not necessarily in the attitude.

Learnings: I learned how to efficiently read research papers and the importance of managing references. I gained an understanding of automatic differentiation and optimization techniques. I even realized how to breakdown a hard problem to iteratively build a solution.

Technologies used: Python (numpy, matplotlib, casADi), Jupyter Lab, Latex

Concepts learned: Spacecraft Interception, Relative Motion, Trajectory Design, Optimal Control

Checkout the literature review and the spacecraft interception code.